Les bovins de boucherie et l'utilisation de l'eau

Beef and Water Cover

La production bovine a la réputation d’utiliser beaucoup d’eau. Toutefois, cette
activité est beaucoup plus complexe que ce que la plupart des gens pensent.

  1. Statistics Canada (2017). Human Activity and the Environment: Freshwater in Canada. Human Activity and the Environment: Freshwater in Canada (statcan.gc.ca)
  2. Getahun Legesse et al (April 2018). “Measuring and assessing Canadian rangeland and other agricultural best management practices with the enhanced whole-farm model Holos.” Science of the Total Environment 619-20: 1030-1039. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321781368_Water_use_intensity_of_Canadian_beef_production_in_1981_as_compared_to_2011 
  3. Getahun Legesse et al (April 2018). “Water use intensity of Canadian beef production in 1981 as compared to 2011.” Science of the Total Environment 619-20: 1030-1039. Water use intensity of Canadian beef production in 1981 as compared to 2011 - ScienceDirect
  4. http://bcgrasslands.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/gcc_e-book_managing-bc-grasslands-overview-lr.pdf 
  5. Grasslands Conservation Council of British Columbia (2008). Managing BC Grasslands: An Overview. https://www.innovatingcanada.ca/environment/opening-eyes-through-the-lens-how-agriculture-protects-canadas-grasslands/ 
  6. Beef Cattle Research Council (2019). “Environmental Footprint of Beef Production.” Environmental Footprint of Beef Production - Beef Cattle Research Council (beefresearch.ca) 
  7. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (2010). Management of Canadian Prairie Rangeland. https://www.beefresearch.ca/files/pdf/fact-sheets/991_2010_02_TB_RangeMgmnt_E_WEB_2_.pdf 
  8. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (2010). Management of Canadian Prairie Rangeland. https://www.beefresearch.ca/files/pdf/fact-sheets/991_2010_02_TB_RangeMgmnt_E_WEB_2_.pdf 
  9. Innovating Canada (December 5, 2019). “Opening Eyes Through the Lens: How Agriculture Protects Canada’s Grasslands.” https://www.innovatingcanada.ca/environment/opening-eyes-through-the-lens-how-agriculture-protects-canadas-grasslands/ 
  10. Statistics Canada (2017). Human Activity and the Environment: Freshwater in Canada. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/pub/16-201-x/16-201-x2017000-eng.pdf?st=U7hTXcv1

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (2010). Management of Canadian Prairie Rangeland. https://www.beefresearch.ca/files/pdf/fact-sheets/991_2010_02_TB_RangeMgmnt_E_WEB_2_.pdf 

Beef Cattle Research Council (2019). “Environmental Footprint of Beef Production.” Environmental Footprint of Beef Production - Beef Cattle Research Council (beefresearch.ca) 

Getahun Legesse et al (April 2018). “Measuring and assessing Canadian rangeland and other agricultural best management practices with the enhanced whole-farm model Holos.” Science of the Total Environment 619-20: 1030-1039. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321781368_Water_use_intensity_of_Canadian_beef_production_in_1981_as_compared_to_2011 

Getahun Legesse et al (April 2018). “Water use intensity of Canadian beef production in 1981 as compared to 2011.” Science of the Total Environment 619-20: 1030-1039. Water use intensity of Canadian beef production in 1981 as compared to 2011 - ScienceDirect

Grasslands Conservation Council of British Columbia (2008). Managing BC Grasslands: An Overview. https://www.innovatingcanada.ca/environment/opening-eyes-through-the-lens-how-agriculture-protects-canadas-grasslands/ 


Innovating Canada (December 5, 2019). “Opening Eyes Through the Lens: How Agriculture Protects Canada’s Grasslands.” https://www.innovatingcanada.ca/environment/opening-eyes-through-the-lens-how-agriculture-protects-canadas-grasslands/ 

Statistics Canada (2017). Human Activity and the Environment: Freshwater in Canada. Human Activity and the Environment: Freshwater in Canada (statcan.gc.ca)

Statistics Canada (2017). Human Activity and the Environment: Freshwater in Canada. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/pub/16-201-x/16-201-x2017000-eng.pdf?st=U7hTXcv1


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