The Carbon Cost of Food

Carbon Cost Cover Photo

Carbon dioxide (CO2) accounts for the largest proportion of GHG emissions worldwide at 76%. It is the most commonGHG emitted by human activities and has the largest total impact on global warming.

  1. Commission for Environmental Cooperation (2017). Characterization and Management of Food Loss and Waste in North America – Foundational Report.
  2. Michael von Massow et al. (September 4, 2019). “Valuing the Multiple Impacts of Household Food Waste,” Frontiers in Nutrition.
  3. National Zero Waste Council (2020). “The High Cost of Food Waste.” NZWC - The Issue
  4. Environment Canada (2013). Technical Document on Municipal Solid Waste Organics Processing.
  5. Environment Canada (2013). Technical Document on Municipal Solid Waste Organics Processing.
  6. Government of Canada (August 11, 2017). “Municipal solid waste and greenhouse gases.”
  7. Kim Ominski et al. (March 2021). “Utilization of by-products and food waste in livestock production systems: A Canadian perspective,” Animal Frontiers 11(2): 55-63.
  8. Government of Canada (June 28, 2019). “Taking stock – Reducing food loss and waste in Canada.”
  9. Clear Center – Clarity and Leadership for Environmental Awareness and Research at UC Davis (July 7, 2020). “Why methane from cattle warms the climate differently than CO2 from fossil fuels.”
  10. Government of Canada (April 1, 2019). “About methane emissions.”
  11. Value Chain Management International and Secord Harvest (2019). The Avoidable Crisis of Food Waste: Technical Report.
  12. Value Chain Management International and Secord Harvest (2019). The Avoidable Crisis of Food Waste: Technical Report.
  13. Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (2015). “Global Emissions.”
  14. Prairie Climate Centre (March 7, 2018). “Where Do Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Come From?”
  15. Canadian Energy Centre (July 2021). Canada’s GHG Emissions Intensity Record Since 2000: An Updated 2021 Analysis. CEC-RB-14-Canadas-GHG-Emissions-2021-Analysis-FINAL-2.pdf (

Canadian Energy Centre (July 2021). Canada’s GHG Emissions Intensity Record Since 2000: An Updated 2021 Analysis. CEC-RB-14-Canadas-GHG-Emissions-2021-Analysis-FINAL-2.pdf (

Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (2015). “Global Emissions.”

Clear Center – Clarity and Leadership for Environmental Awareness and Research at UC Davis (July 7, 2020). “Why methane from cattle warms the climate differently than CO2 from fossil fuels.”

Commission for Environmental Cooperation (2017). Characterization and Management of Food Loss and Waste in North America – Foundational Report.

Environment Canada (2013). Technical Document on Municipal Solid Waste Organics Processing.

Environment Canada (2013). Technical Document on Municipal Solid Waste Organics Processing.

Government of Canada (April 1, 2019). “About methane emissions.”

Government of Canada (August 11, 2017). “Municipal solid waste and greenhouse gases.”

Government of Canada (June 28, 2019). “Taking stock – Reducing food loss and waste in Canada.”

Kim Ominski et al. (March 2021). “Utilization of by-products and food waste in livestock production systems: A Canadian perspective,” Animal Frontiers 11(2): 55-63.

Michael von Massow et al. (September 4, 2019). “Valuing the Multiple Impacts of Household Food Waste,” Frontiers in Nutrition.

National Zero Waste Council (2020). “The High Cost of Food Waste.” NZWC - The Issue

Prairie Climate Centre (March 7, 2018). “Where Do Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Come From?”

Value Chain Management International and Secord Harvest (2019). The Avoidable Crisis of Food Waste: Technical Report.

Value Chain Management International and Secord Harvest (2019). The Avoidable Crisis of Food Waste: Technical Report.


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